Will the Davidic King perform his work under the current President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? - Book of Mormon Isaiah

Will the Davidic King perform his work under the current President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Question: Will the Davidic King perform his work under the keys of the current President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Because the Davidic King is one of the central figures in the end times I am wondering how the Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ fits into the picture in relation to the Davidic King. Will he know who he is? Will he ordain him? Will they work together like Kings and Prophets of the past?

Answer: As the Church of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God are in many ways distinct though on a parallel, it remains to be seen how God’s plan will integrate the two. We can be assured, however, that all things will follow the patterns of the past, which God has carefully established so that those who are familiar with scriptural patterns will unlikely be deceived at a time when deception is the norm rather than the exception.

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1 thought on “Will the Davidic King perform his work under the current President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?”

  1. I would like to comment about the Davidic King and the Current Prophet. Biblically we have seen prophets chastise kings (Isaiah – Hezekiah, etc) when the king’s conduct is less than what God expects from a Davidic King leading his people.

    I’m sorry, but we don’t have a Davidic King. We have a Biden ruler, who has stolen an election and who is less that capable to run the country. He has a history of inappropriate conduct with foreign nations and a “family of co-conspirators” who have evidenced their illegal activities.

    Our current prophet does not evidence his alignments with the Lord rather as President of the “Corporation of the President” it appears his corporation has fraudulently used tithes and offerings for investment purposes, among which include pharmaceuticals and real estate, etc.

    One Prophet, I believe, who will present himself when required, will be Joseph, who holds all the keys, both from this life and into the next.

    I hold Elder Maxwells words as prophetic and precious. We, of Ephriam, must look to our conduct, our deference to Gospel Laws, our inability to establish Zion at any point from Joseph’s death through to our current day.

    We know from revelations by many, that we of Ephriam and others who partner with us will come to a position of “ one heart, one mind and no poor among us“…. As long as the corporation holds funds when the homeless and sick and poor are present across every continent (America, Canada, South America, Central America, Africa, etc.) as evidenced by comments from Elder Bednar about saints in one country missing meals in order to feed him upon his visit… Ephriam must repent, must beg for God’s grace, after our sincere repentance and must plead for God’s direction and in preparation to meet him as he begins His reign…. I do not exclude myself in the need for such repentance as the tone of this posting evidences.

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