Our "Share and Learn Together" week is a 100% free event featuring 10 presentations from our weekly book of discussion participants. Explore a variety of topics studied throughout the year. Register today to be part of this great experience.

Bonus Session
Live Q&A with Avraham Gileadi
Your free registration includes a live Q&A session with Avraham Gileadi, on Saturday, December 16th at 4 pm MST. Everybody who registers before the event will get access to the Q&A recording.

Bonus session
Live Q&A with Avraham Gileadi
Your free registration includes a live Q&A session with Avraham Gileadi, on Saturday, December 16th at 4 pm MST. Everybody who registers before the event will get access to the Q&A recording.
In 2021, we launched our successful "Book Discussion Groups" program. Now in its third year, we've seen remarkable participation, with over 300 members engaging in weekly group discussions. Each group, consisting of more than 15 members, discusses one of the publications of the Isaiah Institute.
This year, we're excited to extend a special invitation to some of our participants. They will be sharing their learnings through 15-30 minute presentations, focusing on specific topics they've researched over the year. This initiative is a reflection of our belief in the Lord's invitation to "teach one another the doctrine of the Kingdom" (D&C 88:7), with the idea that when it comes to learning, the teacher is not any better than the learner (Alma 1:26).
Our goal is to demonstrate that the book of Isaiah is accessible to everyone, as evidenced by our dedicated participants who have committed a year to its study.
This event is completely free. The presentations will be available on Saturday December 16th at 9 am MST, with free registration. You can watch them on demand at any time.
Speakers & Topics

Rodolfo Vergara
"Isaiah 29:14 Marvel Upon Marvel: Understanding the Great and Marvelous Work"
Context of Isaiah 29:14, definition, misconceptions, timing, types, and prophecies about the great and marvelous work.

Rodolfo Vergara
"Isaiah 29:14 Marvel Upon Marvel: Understanding the Great and Marvelous Work"
Context of Isaiah 29:14, definition, misconceptions, timing, types, and prophecies about the great and marvelous work.

Marci Campbell & Sylvain Coppens
"The Ladder to Heaven: Ascension and Descension Themes in Isaiah"
Understanding the ascension and descension process from Isaiah's spiritual ladder.

Marci Campbell & Sylvain Coppens
"The Ladder to Heaven: Ascension and Descension Themes in Isaiah"
Understanding the ascension and descension process from Isaiah's spiritual ladder.

Christopher Wright
"Idolatry & The Last Days"
Understanding the blood and sins of our generation.

Christopher Wright
"Idolatry & The Last Days"
Understanding the blood and sins of our generation.

Karen Welch
"Wheat and Tares"
The parable of the wheat and the tares and its endtime application.

Karen Welch
"Wheat and Tares"
The parable of the wheat and the tares and its endtime application.

Debbi Rollo
"Top 10 Characters in Isaiah’s End-Time Prophecy"
Who/What are the “Characters” that appear in Isaiah’s end-time prophecy, and what do they mean? These scores of Characters that are scattered throughout the Book of Isaiah are a type of what happens in the future.

Debbi Rollo
"Top 10 Characters in Isaiah’s End-Time Prophecy"
Who/What are the “Characters” that appear in Isaiah’s end-time prophecy, and what do they mean? These scores of Characters that are scattered throughout the Book of Isaiah are a type of what happens in the future.

Cameron Briggs
"Out of Babylon and Into Redemptive Suffering"
What and how to fill the void left by purging modern idolatry in our lives.

Cameron Briggs
"Out of Babylon and Into Redemptive Suffering"
What and how to fill the void left by purging modern idolatry in our lives.

Erin Ross
"Journey to the Promise Land"
Our exodus from Babylon: awake to our awful situation, apply concepts in your own life, everything is connected and wordlinks.

Erin Ross
"Journey to the Promise Land"
Our exodus from Babylon: awake to our awful situation, apply concepts in your own life, everything is connected and wordlinks.

Dax Gurr
"King David's Covenant as a Type For The Salvation of The Human Family"
This year, we studied the book "Isaiah Prophet of the End Time" and I became interested in some of the covenants and how they could apply personally to me. One that I found particularly intriguing was God's Covenant with King David. In my talk, I consider what it looks like when we live our lives in a manner commensurate with God's expectations of David.

Dax Gurr
"King David's Covenant as a Type For The Salvation of The Human Family"
This year, we studied the book "Isaiah Prophet of the End Time" and I became interested in some of the covenants and how they could apply personally to me. One that I found particularly intriguing was God's Covenant with King David. In my talk, I consider what it looks like when we live our lives in a manner commensurate with God's expectations of David.

Brandon Herd
"Covenant Theology in Isaiah: The Answer You Didn't Know You Were Looking For"
Covenant theology is foundational for understanding the gospel and can answer key and essential questions you may not realized you had.

Brandon Herd
"Covenant Theology in Isaiah: The Answer You Didn't Know You Were Looking For"
Covenant theology is foundational for understanding the gospel and can answer key and essential questions you may not realized you had.

Elior Walker
"Encountering the Divine: Patterns of Endowment & Atonement from the Prophet-Poet"
In this presentation, we examine the patterns of spiritual ascension found within Isaiah's revelations. We also explore how Isaiah's patterns of ascension influence other prophets.

Elior Walker
"Encountering the Divine: Patterns of Endowment & Atonement from the Prophet-Poet"
In this presentation, we examine the patterns of spiritual ascension found within Isaiah's revelations. We also explore how Isaiah's patterns of ascension influence other prophets.