About the Isaiah Institute
The Isaiah Institute was created in the year 2000 by the Hebraeus Foundation to disseminate the message of the prophet Isaiah (circa 742-701 B.C.). Avraham Gileadi Ph.D's groundbreaking research and analysis of the Book of Isaiah provides the ideal medium for publishing Isaiah's endtime message to the world. No longer can the Book of Isaiah be regarded as an obscure document from a remote age. Its vibrant message, decoded after years of painstaking research by a leading authority in his field, now receives a new application as a sure guide to a rapidly changing world.To those who seek answers to today's perplexing questions, the Book of Isaiah is God's gift to humanity.

The Hebraeus Foundation-A Non-Profit Corporation
Formed in 1990, the Hebraeus Foundation is a non-profit corporation that promotes literary, charitable, educational, and religious works within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The nature of business transacted by the corporation is (1) to create awareness of significant literary patterns and features in ancient manuscripts, texts, and scripture through scholarly research and analysis, and through subsequent publication of books, articles, newsletters, audio or audio-visual products, productions, presentations, websites, documentaries, docudramas, and movies; (2) to provide research grants to scholars selected to undertake such studies; (3) to assist scholars in exploring and developing answers to textual and scriptural questions through working groups, editorial resources, networking, archaeological exploration, media outlets, and research sources; and (4) to fund selected projects that fulfill these goals.
About Avraham Gileadi
Formed in 1990, the Hebraeus Foundation is a non-profit corporation that promotes literary, charitable, educational, and religious works within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The nature of business transacted by the corporation is (1) to create awareness of significant literary patterns and features in ancient manuscripts, texts, and scripture through scholarly research and analysis, and through subsequent publication of books, articles, newsletters, audio or audio-visual products, productions, presentations, websites, documentaries, docudramas, and movies; (2) to provide research grants to scholars selected to undertake such studies; (3) to assist scholars in exploring and developing answers to textual and scriptural questions through working groups, editorial resources, networking, archaeological exploration, media outlets, and research sources; and (4) to fund selected projects that fulfill these goals.

During six of his eight years at BYU, he taught Hebrew, Old and New Testaments, and an honors class in the literary analysis of Isaiah. Under the direction of Ellis Rasmussen, dean of Religion, he completed footnotes for the LDS edition of the Bible of translation problems in the King James Version of the Hebrew prophets. He also reviewed and revised the Hebrew translation of the Book of Mormon for the church's Translation Division, discovering many Hebrew prophetic structures and literary patterns in the Book of Mormon. He translated the Book of Isaiah into modern English with annotations from the Dead Sea scroll of Isaiah and the Septuagint Version, publishing it with analyses of Isaiah's literary patterns discovered during a decade of post-doctoral research.
Sponsored by the Hebraeus Foundation (est. 1990), Avraham Gileadi has lectured widely, given seminars and firesides, and published many books on the Book of Isaiah and related subjects that teach Jewish analytical methods and help one understand Isaiah's prophecy. His publications include The Apocalyptic Book of Isaiah (Hebraeus Press,1982); The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation with Interpretive Keys from the Book of Mormon (Deseret Book, 1988; Hebron Books, 2012); Israel's Apostasy and Restoration: Essays in Honor of Roland K. Harrison (Baker Book House, 1988); The Last Days: Types and Shadows from the Bible and the Book of Mormon (Deseret Book, 1990; Argon Press, 1998); The Literary Message of Isaiah (Hebraeus Press, 1994; 2012); The End from the Beginning: The Apocalyptic Vision of Isaiah with Isaiah Translation (Hebraeus Press, 1997; 2012); the DVD series Book of Mormon Keys to Isaiah and Isaiah: Key to the Book of Mormon (Hebron Books, 2002); Studies in the Book of Mormon (Hebron Books, 2005); Isaiah Decoded: Ascending the Ladder to Heaven (Hebraeus Press, 2002; 2012); the 30-hour audio series Analytical Commentary of Isaiah (Hebraeus Press, MP3, 2004, 2014); The Book of Isaiah: Analytical Translation with Comprehensive Concordance (Hebraeus Press, 2012); and Apocalyptic Commentary of the Book of Isaiah (Hebraeus Press, 2013); Windows on the Prophecy of Isaiah: Study Tools for Understanding Isaiah (Hebraeus Press, 2015); Endtime Prophecy: A Judeo-Mormon Analysis (Hebraeus Press, 2018); Isaiah Made Simple: Unsealing the Essential Isaiah (Hebraeus Press, 2018); Modern Idolatry and the End of the World (Hebraeus Press, 2018); Isaiah Flashcards (Hebraeus Press, 2018); and Becoming Kings and Queens of the Gentiles Becoming Kings and Queens of the Gentiles (Hebron Books, 2019); How Isaiah Impacts Gospel Theology (Hebron Books, 2020).
"Dr. Gileadi's work will render obsolete almost all the speculations of Isaiah scholars over the last one hundred years, enabling scholarship to proceed along an entirely new line, opening new avenues of approach for others to follow"-Professor Roland K. Harrison, Wycliffe College, Toronto, Canada.
"Only one who is truly at home not only with the Hebrew but with the ancient manner of biblical thought could have produced such an insightful and ground-breaking book"-Professor S. Douglas Waterhouse, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
"Dr. Gileadi is the only LDS scholar I know of who is thoroughly competent to teach the words of Isaiah"-Professor Hugh Nibley, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. (1. 6. 2003)
"Dr. Gileadi has produced a translation of the Book of Isaiah which is modern in its linguistic approach, but which also preserves all the values of more traditional renderings. His translation is excellent: it is sensitive, and manages to capture in English the vigor of the Hebrew idiom. This is a new and distinctive translation which constitutes an advance upon other modern translations"-Professor Roland K. Harrison, Editor-in-Chief, The New King James Version of the Bible.
"Avraham Gileadi's interpretation of Isaiah unveils not only the Book of Isaiah but the whole scriptural canon, pointing us to a clearer understanding of the climactic events now unfolding as Israel's long awaited reconciliation approaches"-Clyde Daniel Mead, author, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
"Avraham Gileadi's works on Isaiah serve as no other in teaching this book from its basic level all the way to the serious scholar. One can't enter into Isaiah studies without contending with the concepts Gileadi brings to the forefront"-Tom Roberts, Ph.D., St. Elias Seminary, Purcellville, Virginia.
"Gileadi has attained a fine balance of inspiration and intellect in translating and interpreting Isaiah"-Ellis T. Rasmussen, Dean Emeritus Religious Instruction, Brigham Young University.
"Without a doubt one of the most influential writers of all time, Gileadi has awakened critical truths vital for navigating through these times. His research is a rare combination of scholarship and divine inspiration"-Jennifer Orten, research editor, Chino Hills, California.
"Dr. Gileadi has awakened a whole new depth of my understanding of Isaiah's prophetic message. His books and tapes illuminate the urgent relevance of Isaiah's writings to our own day"-Becky Douglas, supervisor and sponsor of three orphanages in India, Atlanta, Georgia.
"What power of understanding Dr. Gileadi has brought through the Book of Isaiah! He is surely to Isaiah and the end-time as Isaac Newton was to science and the Age of Enlightenment"-Kaye Bullock, midwife of over 2,000 home births, Tucson, Arizona.
"Dr. Gileadi's research has become the benchmark by which all other works on Isaiah will be judged. His love of Isaiah shows a depth of understanding never before seen, creating in me and others the same love"-Charles Scott Grace, JD, Llm, DDS, Boise, Idaho.
"Feeling compelled to understand the "end time" from my youth, I searched dozens of commentaries for thirty years without finding a scholar whose ideas agree with the Canon. That ended when a friend suggested Gileadi's works"-Eric Martineau, MBA, MS, Veracruz, México.
"Having read Dr. Avraham Gileadi's literary works on Isaiah, I have found that no others compare to his comprehensive analysis. My life has been profoundly affected by the expanded knowledge and understanding I have acquired"-Jacob Winsor, Financial Planner, Riverside, California.
"Avraham Gileadi has made a great contribution to the world by helping people to understand Isaiah. He has opened up my eyes to Isaiah, and through Isaiah to all the prophets"-Larry S. Ferguson, Real Estate Agent, Hamilton, Missouri.
"Isaiah Explained is a comprehensive resource that enables everyday people to understand the prophecies of Isaiah."-TJ Wood, Systems Architect, Sunrise Manor, NV
"Avraham Gileadi's unsealing of the Book of Isaiah will forever change people's understanding of Judeo-Christian religion, lifting it to heights hitherto known only to prophets and saints"-Arie Noot, corporate executive, Edmond, Oklahoma.
"Avraham Gileadi's books and tapes take the casual observer of Isaiah's words and transform him into an enlightened and lifelong student of the Word of God"-Allan and Nancy Pratt, LDS mission president, Toulouse, France.
"Dr. Gileadi has achieved a major breakthrough in the investigation of a book of such complexity and importance as the Book of Isaiah"-Professor David Noel Freedman, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
"Dr. Gileadi has clearly demonstrated his mastery of the Book of Isaiah and of the scholarly literature dealing with it"-Professor Ronald Youngblood, Bethel Theological Seminary, San Diego, California.
"Dr. Gileadi's translation [of the Book of Isaiah] is clear and smooth, allowing the reader to appreciate the power and beauty of Isaiah as conveyed in the Hebrew original"-Professor Herbert M. Wolf, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois.
"Dr. Gileadi's understanding of the textual structure of Isaiah thoroughly explodes biblical minimalists' claim that the book was written by different authors over a long period of time"-Damon Casale, biblical researcher, Tampa, Florida.
"Avraham Gileadi has done for the Book of Isaiah what Stephen Hawking did for quantum physics. He has rolled back the ancient scroll to reveal a timeless message for all in modern times, Jew and Gentile"-Robert Kay, Utah Torah Education Society, Salt Lake City.
"Avraham Gileadi has done for the Book of Isaiah what Stephen Hawking did for quantum physics. He has rolled back the ancient scroll to reveal a timeless message for all in modern times, Jew and Gentile"-Robert Kay, Utah Torah Education Society, Salt Lake City.
"Avraham Gileadi's work on Isaiah represents a powerful, innovative use of rhetorical methods for analyzing text. His work is at the forefront of the new biblical scholarship which is making use of literary analysis. This student's comment is typical: 'I've had several of the best teachers on campus-teachers of the year. I learned more from Dr. Gileadi than from any of the others. He really teaches you how to think and has tremendous knowledge of his subject matter'"-Dennis J. Packard, Department Chairman, Department of Philosophy, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.
"Gileadi is the only scholar I know who has been able to express the Jewish expectation of the Messiah in relation to the life and mission of Jesus of Nazareth"-Daniel Rona, Israeli tour guide, Jerusalem, Israel.
"Gileadi has uncovered an amazing message written in a divine code by the prophet-poet Isaiah. This will give comfort, hope, and joy to masses of people as they cope with the perplexing events now unfolding before their eyes"-Fenton Tobler, thirty years school principal, Las Vegas, Nevada.
"Dr. Gileadi's translation of Isaiah is alive with meaning. After reading many Isaiah commentaries and still feeling confused, I read Dr. Gileadi's books and the lights turned on"-David G. Young, Naturopathic Physician, Battle Ground, Washington.
"Dr. Gileadi has entirely changed my depth of vision, empowering my students and I with keys that unlock all scripture. What a joy to have a student jump out of his seat or look up with tear-filled eyes at a layered meaning of Isaiah!"-Rhonda Pickering, Christian School Administrator, Ocean View, Hawaii.
"The Book of Isaiah has been to the world as a gift of tongues with no one to interpret it. Avraham Gileadi's research, decoding, and explanation of Isaiah unfolds its inspired message to the novice and scholar alike"-Robert M. Sorensen, Mechanical Technician, Friendsville, Pennsylvania.
"Dr. Gileadi's writings have awakened in me a true understanding of Isaiah's prophetic message for our time. I feel that his work can have a significant influence in helping us prepare for the catastrophic world events Isaiah foresaw"-Jonathan W. Adams, Director of Engineering, Waco, Texas.
"Dr. Gileadi's expertise has at last made understanding the Book of Isaiah a reality. I have thoroughly enjoyed this process and recommend his publications to anyone searching for a clear understanding"-Carrie Whitmore, Executive Secretary, Bacova, Virginia.
"It is my testimony that this man has been brought forward and trained at this time to help those inside the Church into Isaiah, and those outside the Church, Jew and Gentile, through Isaiah into the Church"-Professor Arthur Henry King, Shakespeare Scholar, BYU.
"Isaiah Decoded is a huge breakthrough for the seeker of truth-Jew, Christian, Moslem, and agnostic. From an ancient writing, Gileadi has brought to light eternal truths about the nature of God and our relationship to him that have lain buried for centuries in the dust of time"-Guy Wins, fifth-generation Jewish diamond dealer from Antwerp, Belgium.
"Dr. Gileadi's translation of Isaiah is alive with meaning. After reading many Isaiah commentaries and still feeling confused, I read Dr. Gileadi's books and the lights turned on"-David G. Young, Naturopathic Physician, Battle Ground, Washington.