Share and Learn Presentations Consent - Book of Mormon Isaiah

Share & Learn - Presentations Consent

I, hereby grant The Isaiah Institute, its affiliates, agents, and assignees (collectively, "The Institute") the right to record, use, reproduce, modify, distribute, and publicly display my presentation, including any accompanying materials (collectively, "the Presentation"), as well as my name, likeness, and biographical information in connection with the Presentation.
  1. Authorization and Release: I authorize The Institute to use the Presentation in any media format, on any platform, including but not limited to, websites, social media platforms, promotional materials, and educational resources, for any purpose consistent with The Institute's mission and objectives. I understand that The Institute may edit or modify the Presentation at its discretion.
  2. Non-Endorsement: I acknowledge that the content of the Presentation represents my personal views and opinions and not those of The Institute. The Institute does not endorse any content or opinion expressed in the Presentation and disclaims any liability for the content of the Presentation.
  3. First Right of Use: I agree that The Institute has the first right to use and share the Presentation. If I wish to use or share the Presentation on my personal or any third-party platforms, I will seek written consent from The Institute and will only proceed with such sharing after receiving explicit permission and after The Institute has first exercised its right to use and share the Presentation.
  4. No Compensation: I understand that I will not receive any form of compensation for my Presentation or for granting the rights herein.
  5. Release of Claims: I hereby release and forever discharge The Institute, its agents, employees, and assignees from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action that I may hereafter have, whether known or unknown, arising out of or related to the use of the Presentation, my name, or likeness.
  6. Confirmation of Rights: I represent and warrant that I have the full legal right and authority to grant this release and that my Presentation does not infringe upon the rights of any third parties.
  7. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of this Release and Consent Form.
Clear Signature
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