Love Isaiah! - Book of Mormon Isaiah

Love Isaiah!

Turning Point

I remember a talk by Elder Neal A. Maxwell to the effect that the further a person progresses spiritually, the greater the paradoxes he experiences. Certainly, the descent phase of testing that precedes spiritual ascent on Isaiah’s ladder to heaven increases in intensity so that it matches the spiritual rebirth that follows on the next […]

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“My Servant Eliakim”—A Nail in a Sure Place

Synchronous holistic structures in the Book of Isaiah allow us to read Isaiah’s writings in their entirety as foreshadowing an endtime scenario. In that case, the events that occurred in Isaiah’s day act as an allegory of the endtime. So it is with “my servant Eliakim,” who displaces Shebna, another servant who entertains ideas of

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The Mark

The mark of which I’m speaking is one a growing number of scripture enthusiasts are looking beyond in their attempts to go directly to the end goal of becoming one of the 144,000 servants of God. A prideful sense of entitlement has gripped some in the church who openly discuss their anticipation of serving as

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The Sinai Covenant Operates in the Endtime

The Sinai Covenant—God’s covenant with his people Israel as a nation—although a conditional covenant (whose blessings and privileges depend on whether his people keep the terms of the covenant), was never done away, even when Israel transgressed and ultimately apostatized. Today, the Sinai Covenant still forms the basis on which a nation may become God’s

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Does the Book of Isaiah Supersede All Other Prophecy?

Isaiah’s own testimony—that his revelations specifically address the end-time; that they foretell the end from the beginning; that Israel’s ancient history consists of a series of types or precedents that foreshadow things to come; and so forth—clearly define his book as centrally important to understanding God’s dealings in human history, past, present, and future. But

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