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The Shift

Many who are versed in the scriptures who keep up with world events and take note of “signs in the heavens” are aware of a radical shift occurring away from past norms that held the nation together. As troubling as that trend may be—as in no time under those conditions society could go into freefall—I […]

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The Gathering of Israel’s Outcasts from Exile

A hard fact of Isaiah’s endtime scenario is that it isn’t those who appear to be God’s people whom God saves in the end but those who are rejected by the majority. These “outcasts” suffer “reproach” and “ridicule,” are “excluded” from God’s people, and, like God’s servant who gathers them, are “despised” and “abhorred” until

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Being You

“Being me” has meant learning to discern what is of God and what is of man, then choosing what is of God. That is the only way I feel true to myself. Choosing the opposite has caused me inner conflict, whether I was aware of the source of the conflict or not. A part of

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What Does the Term “Proxy Savior” Mean?

From Richard: A person in my study group is having a little problem wrapping their mind around the term “proxy saviors.” It does appear to be a unique term as I’m not really able to find that exact term elsewhere. I realize that spiritual salvation is only from Jehovah or the Lord. So, does the term “proxy salvation” only

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Digging Deeper

Question: Is there an ideal order in which your books should be read? Answer: There is not necessarily an ideal order as each focuses on one or more different aspects of Isaiah’s prophecies and the tools for understanding them. But you might start with Isaiah Made Simple: Unsealing the Essential Isaiah and The End from

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Have any modern prophets taught the importance of searching Isaiah?

From Avraham’s Mailbox Question: Have any modern prophets taught the importance of searching Isaiah? Answer: Isaiah voices a complaint against God’s endtime people, whom he saw in vision, lamenting that they neglect his words instead of searching and teaching them: “You have heard the whole vision; how is it you don’t proclaim it?” (Isaiah 48:6).

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Reading in Context—An Interpretive Principle

Built into Isaiah’s prophecy—and indeed into all scripture—are two different ways one may interpret them. The first is superficial, presumptive, and conceited. The second is in-depth, inquiring, and unassuming. That is one way God divides people—“rendering void the knowledge of their sages and the intelligence of their wise men insignificant” (Isaiah 29:14)—when the truth finally

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The Book of Isaiah—Blueprint of Our Time

What sets the Book of Isaiah apart from all other prophetic writings is its all-inclusiveness in depicting an endtime scenario. Even more comprehensive in portraying the end of the world than apocalyptic writings such as Daniel and Revelation, it spells out a great confluence of events humanity is about to experience. Using Israel’s ancient history

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