Avraham's Mailbox - Book of Mormon Isaiah

Avraham’s Mailbox

Question about the Gospel Taken from the Gentiles

Question: What does the gospel being taken from the Gentiles entail? So many are leaving the church, is that what it refers to? Answer: Knowing that to date the restored church consists mostly of Ephraimite Gentiles—that is, of Ephraimite lineages who “assimilated” (yitbolal) into the Gentiles (Hosea 7:8), “who are identified with the Gentiles” (Doctrine

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Why Should We Continue to be Members of the Church?

Question: If the scriptures say the end-time church has apostatized, why should we continue to be members of it? Answer: Although there exist many prophecies that speak of a general apostasy of God’s end-time people—and of the judgments of God that come upon all nations as a consequence—a prophecy of the church’s ceasing to exist

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How Do We Account For Variations of Isaiah Passages Quoted in the Book of Mormon?

Question: Many verses of Isaiah are quoted in the Book of Mormon, some with changes from the Old Testament Isaiah. I assume these verses were taken directly from the Plates of Laban. The question is when and who changed the wording, or was it in the translation? Answer: While Isaiah passages quoted in the Book

How Do We Account For Variations of Isaiah Passages Quoted in the Book of Mormon? Read More »

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